8.20 Mass Announcements

Community Night Kickoff
Join us for our Community Night Kickoff this Wednesday at 6:15 pm in the Parish Hall. We are excited to share with you our plans for this new opportunity of weekly community and formation.

Altar Server Training
Being an altar server a great act of service for our community and for God. Students in fifth grade and older are invited to our altar server trainings this Monday and Thursday at 7 pm. RSVP here.

Religious Formation Classes & Parent Meeting
Welcome back to our Religious Formation students! An all parent meeting will be in the Main Sanctuary during the first class on Sunday or Wednesday this week.

Habitat for Humanity
This is Holy Family’s 5th year to partner with Habitat for Humanity to build affordable homes for hard-working families in Tennessee. As a partner, we are asked to contribute $17,500 to offset the material costs to build a house. If you did not have a chance to give to our second collection this weekend, please consider donating online.

Representatives from Habitat for Humanity are in the Narthex this weekend after all Masses. Come talk with them to learn about their mission, hear about the family we are building a home for this fall, donate, and sign up for our build days. Thank you for supporting this important cause in our community!