Gospel Meditation
As election day draws near, the media will treat us to a steady diet of daily polls. The latest Rasmussen poll, Gallup poll, ABC News poll, or Zogby poll will…
As election day draws near, the media will treat us to a steady diet of daily polls. The latest Rasmussen poll, Gallup poll, ABC News poll, or Zogby poll will…
Question: Why are Catholics required to give money to the Church? Answer: Offering money and other goods to God and the Church is, before all else, a statement of gratitude.…
Every day we are called by Christ to respond in some way. The more practice we have at giving of ourselves freely and living in His presence, the easier it…
Question: Why does Mary have so many feast days and names? Answer: Christians first began celebrating feast days in honor of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in the fifth century.…
This Sunday we see a woman whose plight has been ongoing, and she seems to be at her wit’s end with no answers on the horizon. She clearly loves her…
Humans doubt. It’s what we do. We doubt ourselves and we doubt others. Before any of us say anything about Peter’s doubting the words of Jesus that told him he…
This week in our home, I told my husband we need to work on using softer voices, so our four kids have to be quieter in order to hear us.…
Question: Why do Catholics need to go to Mass every Sunday? Answer: The heart of the Church’s instruction that we are to attend Mass on Sundays goes back to the…
I remember seeing a story on a morning news program about a little girl who wanted to give an elderly man in a grocery store a hug. She had no…
Is your storehouse in heaven well stocked? Do graces come tumbling out like your belongings when you open the closet door? How will you avoid being the fool who spends…