Public Life
Question: If we have a separation of church and state, how should faith influence the way we act in society, especially for those who have a role in the government?…
Question: If we have a separation of church and state, how should faith influence the way we act in society, especially for those who have a role in the government?…
It would be kind of awesome to be a king or queen! Absolute rule, untold wealth, and people answering your every beck and call are things that wouldn’t be half…
“The rulers sneered … the soldiers jeered … one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus.” Is this the King of the Jews, the King of the Universe? If it…
Question: What do Catholics believe about the end of the world? Answer: We hear the phrase “the end of the world” casually today. Often in film or media, it means…
Catholics often are drawn to saints due to their profession, hobbies, or ethnic background. One’s patron saint serves as an example of how to live a life of holiness and…
Where would you go if the world was ending? What would you do? The last decade has seen a rise in doomsday prepping, the marketing of survival techniques, and a…
Question: What do Catholics believe about the resurrection of the dead? Answer: Every Sunday, we proclaim in the Creed that we believe “in the resurrection of the body.” Does that…
“Some Saducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put this question to Jesus …” In this Sunday’s Gospel, the Saducees avoid their real question. Is…
Faithful Departed Question: How can we pray for the dead throughout the year? Answer: We commemorate the faithful departed on November 2nd each year. However, we can and should continue…
Have you ever been at a concert and rushed the stage to get closer to your favorite act? Has your favorite sports team won a championship, and you just wanted…