Gospel Meditation
“Ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance …” In the ancient world and into the Middle Ages, there was no treatment for leprosy. People thought it was wildly…
“Ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance …” In the ancient world and into the Middle Ages, there was no treatment for leprosy. People thought it was wildly…
Why Do We Do That? Question: What is the story behind the rosary? Answer: The rosary is a sacred and popular Catholic devotion, but its origins are mysterious. Prayer beads…
How Much Is Enough? During a conversation about good stewardship of money and time, my daughter shared that sometimes doing the best thing was so hard for her to do.…
“When you have done all you have been commanded, say ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.” The metaphor in the story could seem…
Q: I volunteer every once in a while. How can I incorporate serving the poor in my everyday life? A: In the Gospels, Jesus is very clear about emphasizing outreach…
Called to Compassion What does a homeless person need? That may seem like an odd question since being homeless would indicate they certainly need a home. Beyond that though, what…
If you saw someone dead come to life tomorrow, what would you change about your life? Would you say “nothing”? That’s what Jesus seems to hope. After all, we already…
Q: When Jesus says, “You cannot serve both God and mammon,” what does he mean? What is mammon? A: When you hear Scripture proclaimed each Sunday, remember it wasn’t originally…
What’s Most Important? I hold to the belief that you cannot have allegiances to both Duke and UNC, the Packers and the Bears, or the Yankees and the Red Sox.…
Compartmentalization or consistency? In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells a strange story of a sneaky, savvy steward that raises questions about our personal virtue. “How much do you owe? Here…