Why Do We Do That?
Q: Someone close to me has left the Church. How should I reach out to them? A: For many of us, this can be a challenging question. When people we…
Q: Someone close to me has left the Church. How should I reach out to them? A: For many of us, this can be a challenging question. When people we…
Patience in All Things St. Francis De Sales said, “Have patience with all things, but, first of all with yourself.” Life has a way of knocking us down or off…
“Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain…” In this Sunday’s Gospel, we learn the context for the…
Q: As Catholics, we talk a lot about “redemptive suffering” and “carrying your cross.” What does that mean practically in daily life? A: When Jesus spoke these words, they would…
Reach Out in Love We are all called to be accountable to one another. As brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to reach out in love…
It’s said that upon reading the Gospels, Gandhi commented that he very much liked Jesus Christ. It was Christ’s followers he found troublesome. One wonders who Gandhi had met and…
Q: What is the virtue of humility? A: In many ways, humility is the foundation of the spiritual life. It’s the virtue by which we know ourselves accurately in relation…
Give Graciously I love the verse in Sirach where it says, “My child, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts.” This…
Can you imagine if Jesus threw a party? From the wedding feast at Cana, we know he wouldn’t let the wine run out. From this Sunday’s Gospel, we know there…