Confessing Sins
Question: If I go to the Sacrament of Penance and end up repeating the same sins, does that mean I do not have a strong enough intention to amend my life?
Answer: There is a popular expression that says, “Be patient. God isn’t finished with me yet!” Growing in faith and holiness is an ongoing, life-long project, and our struggle with sin is at the heart of it. As St. Paul says, the good he intends to do, he does not do. The evil he does not intend, he does! It is not always a lack of intention, but more often the allure of evil that makes it difficult to change.
When we confess our sins, we are to come with a fully contrite heart. You need to reflect on your true feelings toward your actions before approaching the sacrament. After confession, there are strategies you can make to avoid falling into the same traps of sin. First, pray for and seek out
strength and perseverance through multiple sacraments, charitable work, and personal sacrifice. Second, avoid occasions of sin when you might fail or be sorely tempted. In doing these things, remind yourself daily that it is a spiritual war we wage, and with God’s grace, we will succeed.