Summer Activities

As our routines change and we break from school, summer can be the perfect time to feed our souls and grow in our spiritual journey. Below are some ideas* to deepen your faith and family life. Feel free to add your own and/or modify to make it work for you. We can’t wait to hear about your journeys this fall! As you participate, share your experiences on social media and tag Holy Family @holyfamilycctn. Additionally, students who complete 15 or more activities (and bring the signed form below) will get a special treat this fall!

*Websites linked are intended to serve as resources to consider. Holy Family cannot control or guarantee content.

Click here for a printable copy of the list and coupon. 
  • This summer, we begin the parish year of the National Eucharistic Revival . What will this look like in your home? Discuss, pray, and make a plan! Visit our Holy Family webpage to see what is happening here.
  • Find a new way to serve your neighbors and community through Hands on Nashville.
  •  Look to Him and Be Radiant is full of resources, crafts, activities, and ideas for learning about the faith at home. Find one (or more!) that look interesting and work together on a project.
  • Learn about the Ministries available at Holy Family. How can your family get involved in a new way?
  • Offer help with a home project to an elderly neighbor. Take time to talk with them and learn something new!
  • Go out of your way to meet someone new at Mass this week — introduce yourselves and welcome them to Holy Family.
  • Refresh/learn why the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.
  • Do something to care for God’s creation. Check here for ideas!
  • Pick wildflowers, write a card, and make a visit to a nursing home or homebound parishioner.
  • Turn the other cheek: Pray for good things to happen for someone who has been unkind to you.
  • Begin an individual or family prayer journal. Spend some time each day writing and sharing your heart with God.
  • Make a meal for someone in your parish/community who is sick or just had a baby.
  • Did you know parishioners get a free subscription (details in the bulletin weekly) to both Formed and Word on Fire? Fast from your usual TV or podcast favorites and watch/listen to something to feed your faith.
  • Invite friends over for a barbeque and find out how you can pray for them.
  • Dive into the Scriptures and learn how to practice Lectio Divina as a form of prayer.
  • Apologize to and ask forgiveness from someone you have wronged.
  • Surprise someone in your family by doing a task or chore they normally do.
  • Thank someone who has been a good influence in your life.
  • Devote time to reading the Bible together or praying with the Daily Readings.
  • Go through the clothing and toys you no longer need and share with a young family or donate them- there are bins here at church for Graceworks!
  • Do something healthy to take care of the body God gave you.
  • Find area free lending libraries and leave books about saints or the Faith.
  • Pray the Stations of the Cross outside at Holy Family or pray the Rosary together on our Rosary Walk.
  • Spend time learning more about the Saints:
  • Give up media/internet for one day. Spend any time you would’ve been on a device doing something fun together.
  • Skip your normal fast food stop and choose a local place to support your neighbors such as The Nashville Food Project, The Cookery or Thistle Stop Cafe.
  • Visit the Columbarium here at Holy Family and pray for the dead.
  • Find out what’s happening at Holy Family this week and join us for something you haven’t participated in before.
  • Stay up late and pray Night Prayer under the stars.
  • Write a card or note of encouragement to Fr. Joe and Fr. Mark — share how they make a difference in your life.
  • Sacrifice a few summer treats and use that money to help our global neighbors through Catholic Relief Services.
  • Host a lemonade stand and donate the money to your favorite non-profit.
  • Have a movie night and watch The Chosen.
  • Offer an afternoon or evening of babysitting to a family with young children.
  • Take your grandparents or senior friends to Mass and breakfast on the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne (July 26).
  • Go on a hike and notice God’s beautiful creation.
  • Sign up to spend an hour with the Lord during our Wednesday Adoration. Don’t forget your prayer journal!
  • Add your own activities below:


If you complete 15 or more activities, bring this coupon back (details coming at a later date) in the fall for a special treat!

I completed ________________ activities this summer.

My favorite activity was _____________________________________ because _________________________________


How did your relationship with God grow this summer? ______________________________________________



______________________________________                                                        _________________________________________

Your name                                                                                                             Parent Signature