Third Week of Advent Reflection

by Fr. Mark Simpson, Associate Pastor

I remember as a kid gathering with family around the wreath to say some family prayers. We always lit the candles according to the week of advent and sang “O Come O Come Emmanuel!” before fighting over who got to blow the candles out. With each week another candle was lit, and our excitement grew! We always knew that when the pink candle was lit that we were getting very close. Christmas is almost here! I had to double down on doing good deeds such as cleaning around the house, scratching dad’s back, and trying not to fight with siblings because I knew there was not much time left. Christmas is almost here! 

This sentiment that I had as a child was not far from what the Church herself feels even liturgically. Our excitement for Christmas should indeed grow with every candle lit. Now that I am older, I have come to understand that the pink candle is actually rose colored. Rose is a lighter version of purple. The third Sunday in advent is called Gaudete Sunday, coming from the Latin imperative, “Rejoice!” It is a command for us to rejoice because Christ’s coming is imminent! 

This Sunday, the rose color represents a reprieve amid the dark winter days, penance, fasting, and almsgiving. Even the first reading for this Sunday says that the desert and parched land will “rejoice” with flowers blooming and goes on to tell us to be strong, have hope, and rejoice! The day is finally approaching. 

How many of us have felt like we were in a desert spiritually? How often do we feel overwhelmed by things we have to get done? Where will our reprieve come from? Let us find this healing in prayer, Adoration, confession, or by singing with family off key around the wreath. May our hearts quicken with rejoicing this Gaudete Sunday as we find our hope ever so close in the one whose coming was foretold by John. 

“Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them.” (Matthew 11:4-6)

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emanuel shall come to you, O Israel!