Religious Education
The Religious Education and Formation process at Holy Family is based on the belief that our faith journey is lifelong and ever-changing. The Religious Education program is for children in kindergarten through eighth grade. Our curriculum is designed to help our youth develop ways of understanding and living their faith that will serve them throughout life.
If you are looking to register your child for Religious Education for the upcoming 2024/25 year, please email Jennifer Reamer at [email protected].
Please click HERE to view the 2024/25 calendar.
Catechists are vital to the success of our Religious Education program! Teaching is not only a beautiful gift to our youth but an opportunity to grow in your own faith as well. Becoming a Catechist is also a great way to connect with others in our faith community and a chance to develop long-lasting friendships!
- Not a Theologian? We are not looking for experts in the faith. We are seeking volunteers with an enthusiasm for the faith and a willingness to share it with our students!
- Worried about the time commitment? Class preparation is minimal with our easy-to-follow Catechist guides, and our schedule aligns with most WCS holidays and breaks. We also encourage groups of four or more Catechists to sign-up to allow for a rotation.
- Have younger children? The nursery is open during all class times to accommodate Catechists with small children.
In addition, Catechists receive a registration discount and priority class placement for their students. Teens who sign up can earn service hours and discounts on youth ministry retreats!
Catechist Registration is now open for the 2024/25 Religious Education Program.
To become a Catechist, please select the class time that you are interested in teaching and signup today!
Sunday: 9:40am - 10:50am: Click HERE to sign up to be a Catechist.
Sunday: 6:45pm-8pm: Click HERE to sign up to to be a Catechist (Grades: K -5)
Sunday: 6:45pm-8:15pm: Click HERE to sign up to be a Small Group Leader (Youth Group Format Grades: 6-8)
Wednesday: 5pm-6:15pm: Click HERE to sign up to be a Catechist.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) provides children from kindergarten through fourth grade the opportunity to gather and hear the Scriptures proclaimed and explained in an age appropriate, engaging way. At Mass after the Gather Rite, the children are dismissed to the weekday chapel. No registration is necessary. This is a supplement to the religious education sessions at Holy Family.
If your child is interested in the process of becoming Catholic and would like information on Children's OCIA, email Janis Lovecchio at [email protected].
- Catherine BirdwellReligious Education Director
- Julie DreyfusReligious Education Coordinator
- Jennifer ReamerReligious Education Administrator
- Mary WordReligious Education Coordinator

Catherine Birdwell
[email protected]
Catherine Birdwell is the Director of Religious Education. As a part of this she helps oversee Religious Education, the nursery, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Ignite, Special Sundays, Mother’s of Preschoolers, Play and Pray, Vacation Bible School, and Family Religious Formation. Catherine has been a member of Holy Family since 1996.

Julie Dreyfus
615-373-4696, Ext. 234
[email protected]
Julie Dreyfus is the Religious Education Coordinator for Sunday morning and Sunday evening. She provides the support and resources for the Catechists and families involved in Religious Education on Sundays. She is also involved in the planning and implementing all areas of the Religious Formation ministry at Holy Family.

Jennifer Reamer
615-373-4696, Ext. 226
[email protected]
Jennifer Reamer is the Religious Education Administrator for preschool through eighth grade. She helps carry out Religious Education registration, the placing of students and catechists in classes, Sacramental Record keeping, and assistance with First Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation Retreats, and Sacraments.

Mary Word
615-373-4696, Ext. 234
[email protected]
Mary Word is the Religious Education Coordinator for Wednesday evenings. She provides the support and resources for the Catechists and families involved in Religious Education on Wednesdays. She is also involved in the planning and implementing all areas of the Religious Formation ministry at Holy Family.