5.21 Mass Announcements

Second Collection

There will be a second collection today for the Catholic Communications Campaign, which helps people in our Diocese and around the world hear the Gospel through modern media tools. Click here to donate online.

Car Show

Mark your calendars for a Car Show hosted by the Knights of Columbus on Memorial Day (May 29). All cars and motorcycles are welcome; no entry fee required. Display cars and motorcycles will arrive at 4:30 pm. The Car Show will begin at 5 pm, and Best of Show awards will be given at 6:30 pm. Grilled food and drinks will be available for purchase.

High School 9-Square Tournament

All high schoolers are invited to a 9 Square Tournament in the gym on Sunday, May 21, from 2 to 4 pm.

Become a Catechist

This year, we had 109 students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and 129 students receive their First Holy Communion. The strength of our program lies in our catechists who share their enthusiasm and love of the faith with our kids in every grade and stage of life. If you feel even a slight call to help form the future of our church, I invite you to learn more about holyfamilycc.com/yff.